Restaurant High Chairs: Everything You Need To Know

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Going out to eat with the family is a great way to spend time together and introduce children to new environments, and food. Make it easy for parents to relax and enjoy their meal by providing a safe place for kids and babies to sit during the visit. High chairs, boosters, and  infant sling carriers are all great for restaurants to have in order to provide the best experience for parents. What do you need to know while shopping for kids restaurant seating? Let’s review.   


As recently as 2021, new regulations and standards of safety for high chairs were set in place to help reduce incidents, injuries and death related incidents. Thousands of high chair-related injuries per year are estimated to be treated in emergency rooms in the United States. To help prevent these injuries, the Consumer Protection Safety Commission initiated extensive requirements focused on stability, harnesses & belts, small parts & choking hazards, proper labeling and testing & compliance. These new regulations require all high chairs made or imported after June 19, 2019 to have smaller leg openings, increased warning labels, a passive crotch restraint, and a three-point seat belt to keep the child restrained. All of these new regulations aim to prevent the high chair from tipping over or to prevent the child from falling (climbing) out.  


Restaurants are not required to purchase new high chairs for their dining room as a result of the new regulations. These new rules only apply to newly made or imported high chairs. However, it is recommended to purchase new high chairs that meet these standards to ensure your littlest guests are safe during their visit.  


High Chairs and Booster Seats are used in restaurants to provide a safe place for toddlers and small children to sit during a meal. Units are designed for babies to sit in highchairs and use a three-point harness to keep them from falling or climbing out. Ensure that all units are properly assembled, and straps are in working order to provide to safest possible experience.  


Additionally, for the safety of subsequent babies to visit your restaurant, it is important to always fully wipe the high chair clean. Small children often eat with their hands, so preventing germ-sharing is of utmost importance to parents. Also be sure to use a wet cloth to remove crumbs and slobber to avoid bugs and mold from caked on accumulated food.   


Please note that highchairs should never be turned upside down to balance an infant carrier. This is not their designed intention and can cause the carrier to fall and harm infants. Special infant slings and car seat stands can be purchased for that use. 


High chairs are available in wood and plastic construction with each boasting their own advantages.   


  • Wood high chairs provide durable, high style are available in black, dark, mahogany, and natural finishes depending on the setting that they are used in. Stack to save valuable storage space.   
  • Plastic constructed high chairs are commonly made from nonporous molded plastic, polyethylene, and polypropylene to make it easy to clean between uses. 

High Chairs vs. Booster Seats vs. Infant Seat Cradle  

Restaurants have several options when it comes to seating kids and babies. Depending on the layout of your restaurant and the clientele, operators may not need all options. Let’s review the options to find what is best for your operations.  


  • High chairsare a great option for a wide range of ages (approximately 6 months to 3 years) that help parents keep their child in one place while they enjoy a great meal. They sit on the floor to put the baby at table height. Take the time to find the best tables and positions for the high chair that will not interrupt the flow of servers and guests being seated. The safety of these children should be a top priority!  


Restaurant owners are given several choices when it comes to kids seating. Find the best unit for your operations with choices from top vendor partners such as Koala Kare Products,  Rubbermaid, Winco, and Old Dominion! Still have questions? One of our expert product consultants is ready to help at 800-215-9293!